Dr. Knitasha Washington is an Innovator, Intellectual, and an Inspiration. She is currently the Executive Director of Consumers Advancing Patient Safety, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering the role of the consumer as a partner in pursuing healthcare that is safe, compassionate and just. With more than 20 years experience in healthcare serving primarily as a consultant, Knitasha brings a multi-dimensional talent focused primarily in the areas of systems performance improvement, operations efficiency, hospital turn-around, patient safety, patient and family engagement, quality and health equity. In 2009 she lost her father to a preventable medical error; an event that dramatically inspired her sense of urgency for eliminating harm, improving patient and family engagement and the overall health statuses of vulnerable populations through education and operations improvement. Today, Knitasha speaks around the country about our need to drive safety, quality, and equity as healthcare’s new norm.
She has released a $500 Scholarship to students pursuing a career in health care and is looking for students that have a focus improving health care. The Scholarship information is listed below as well as at Knitasha Washington’s website: knitashawashington.com The deadline to apply is July 11th, 2016 at 11:59pm CST.
Anthony T. Washington Health Care Improvement Scholarship_v2016
Dr. Knitasha Washinton
Consumers Advancing Patient Safety
Facebook: Dr. Knitasha Washington
Twitter: DrKnitasha