Average Black Girl Spotlight

Companies That Have Dropped Sponsorship In Response To Kaepernick’s Protest

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Comments (6)
  1. Heather says:

    I ran across you while searching to see if any sponsor has dropped Kaepernick. I’m in SF (about to head to the season opener) and find it fascinating how Marshall lost 2 sponsors and Kaepernick? None? Is it the area of the country? Or aligned sponsor values? Courage? And…can we talk biz? I’d love to have you as part of my upcoming podcast for women in biz…”The Only Woman In The Room”. Yes?

    1. This sounds awesome! I will be reaching out today! Thank you for thinking of me 🙂

  2. Stephen says:

    Keep doing what you are doing!! #RBG4Life!

    1. Thank You! 🙂

  3. Tamara Jones says:

    Thank you for the awesome work your doing.

    1. Welcome Tamara 🙂 Thank You for the compliment!