Monday I decided to attend the The Chicago Community Trust and The Chicago Urban League #OntheTable2017 conversation. I saw the event posted in the Metropolitan Board of the Chicago Urban League an NULYP Chapter forum and it looked too good to pass up.
When I arrived I was fortunate to be at a table with a Chicago Police Department officer, a Harold Washington Library employee, a republican and another city worker. Our conversation focused on solutions to bridge the gap regardless of background and geographic location in the city.
We came up with awareness – people of the city don’t know all the initiatives they can benefit from, strategy – we need to control the room and encourage networking and calls to action, and see the city tours – we need to ride the public transportation together, get out and walk the areas together and then go and have coffee over what we saw. This removes some differences when we have a common ground to start and a specific area to discuss.
I was hesitant at first about raising my hand to discuss what was said at the table but with encouragement from my table, I was able to speak. I was one of younger people in the room and came to take it all in but ended up contributing to the discussion on a larger scale.
After I spoke we all took selfies and here are a few from my members at my table.
I was asked after the talk to give my opinion on the talk and here is the video. For those wanting to know I am the last one 🙂 #TheNewNormal#AverageBlackGirl #ChicagoUrbanLeauge #TheChicagoCommunityTrust @ The Chicago Urban League