It Finally Happened…
I am in a lot of groups and I hear ALL the time people say all money is not good money and all customers are not for you. Even though as a marketer you in a perfect world would want EVERYONE in your target audience to be your client but in the reality is that it is not possible for that to happen.
This week has been VERY busy for me but the good kind of busy. This is the type of busy I PRAYED for so I EMBRACE it and react accordingly.
I have even updated my terms and privacy policy to reflect that. Due to the fact that I am a one woman show I finally came across a client that I knew if I kept working with them I could not please. Now first, we worked together on a website project and they loved it. But then they asked me if I could do a social media strategy and website maintenance for them and I asked them their budget. He did not have one which then means that I would have to create a proposal and send it to him. I did within my 72-hour turnaround that I always do but being that I am booked was unable to meet in person to discuss.
I received a nasty text message the day it was due and decided then that this was not for me. We are already still on a good note. Everything I said I would do I have done and did it well there is no need to continue to work with someone who has proven they will be difficult if you can’t work on their schedule and time frame and refuses to acknowledge how you do work.
*Mind you they just sent a text message apologizing for not getting to me faster about a previous question I had that past week because they were swamped with work and I did not make it a big deal because I understand the small business plight*
Do I know that I COULD be faster? Absolutely! But I also have clients that schedule with me weeks in advance and obligations to teach a class so that would be unfair to drop everything to get a new contract signed.
No, I would rather grow organically and realize at this point that I have taken my business as far as I can go by myself. It is now time that I outsource some of my work, bring in some individual contractors and build me a team. It is not about working harder it is about providing quality work to your client and that I can and will always do.
I understand that there are 1,001 marketers and website developers so yes we need to be competitive. However, there will also always be 2,001 potential clients for you needing those services and one person/company cannot service them all so relax.
They may be a little upset with my respectfully declined but they would have been a whole lot more upset if I took their money and did not respond in the timeframe they would like. They would most likely gossip to their network on how bad of a communicator I am and whatever else is their truth.
I am at this moment I have a 100% success rate /clients are 100% happy with my work. It was not worth the additional income to ruin my reputation.
I want EVERYONE who reads this to understand that a negative review travels 10 times faster than a positive one. It is best to put on your big girl/boy panties and respectfully decline when you know you cannot meet their needs. Especially when there is a personality clash.